Friday, August 12, 2005

Tony Jaa's movie

Tygposter11TOM-YUM-GOONG... maybe you think of the Thai Food first. Eva K Leung, Sam ( Her Potential One) and I watched the Movie in Shatin UA last night. The movie name sounds attractive, but the food has nothing related to the movie. It was just a name of the restaurant that cooks loads of Endanger Animals.

It is the story of a young man named Kham (Tony Jaa) whose life is turned upside down when an international mafia syndicate, based in Australia and captures his two beloved elephants and smuggles them thousands of kilometers away to Sydney. Kham has no choice but to risk his own life for the animals he loves…

The Artwork and shooting skill are Thai Style. The message is simple and the storyline is not too complicated. You could see lifestyle of the Thailand Countryside and the Asian Immigrants in Western Country. I can feel the culture of Chinatown.

Overall, I give an A- to the movie and recommend you to check out the movie. It is a fun one!

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