Thursday, June 24, 2010

My New Home 2010


Welcome... I am glad to make this change and move on to the new stage of my life.

As you could see the place is pretty empty, let's fill it with joy, laugh, love, tasty food, cool drinks, sharing and happy memories from today.

Thank you and come on, in!



Thursday, June 17, 2010

Go Green - Let's Use Porcelain - Energy Technology

Do you know what type of properties associated with Porcelain?

- Low permeability
- Low elasticity
- Strength
- Hardness
- Glassiness
- Brittleness
- Whiteness
- Translucence
- Resonance
- High resistance to chemical attack and thermal shock

With the excellent properties as above, shall we take Porcelain to the Next Level - Making it as a Green Products?

Yes. We can now.

Kukel, my company has invented Porcelain - Energy Technology™. They have integrated Porcelain as the heating element with extreme insulation into the Instantaneous Water Heating Device.

Wanna see how Eco - Friendly it is, let's check out the and the below catalogue.

Kukel International Group Ltd. on LinkedIn

Kukel Catalogue

View more documents from candymok.

Photos: Jonathan Adler 'Salvador' & 'Misia' Decorative Vase

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Join Me On Text Me! (Same as WhatsApp, but FREE)


I found a super cool app for iPhone, it's called Text Me! and you can send free MMS style messages. Text, photos, videos for free !

Download it from the App Store and send me a message ;)

or Wanna text me on web now , please click here -> FREE!

PS: My nickname in Text Me! is candymok

Yundi Li plays Chopin Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2

I always feel calm when listen to this wonderful piece. Love it!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

SnagWars Provides The World Cup Location Based Service

FIFA World Cup Snag Wars

Forget about becoming the mayor of your local Starbucks and start grabbing territory for your favourite football team. FIFA World Cup Snag Wars, is a location based game for the iPhone. Using the Snag Wars app players can 'snag' and flag locations for their favourite World Cup teams.

Using the application players can snag their home, their local sports centre, football pitch or any other location. Each snagged location will then display the flag of their chosen football team.

Currently Australia are in the lead with 109 snagged territories, with Brazil in second place with 70 flags. The on-line website of Snag Wars also features a Google Map that animates through the locations of the latest snagged locations.

Extracted From:

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Facebook Scam

Have I deactivated my Facebook account? No, I don't think so.

I have received the Fake Facebook Email and found the "strange" hyperlink earlier... just wanna show you how the email look like as above... be careful~

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wing Tsun, my new sport

Thanks to Sophie, Erika and Matt!

They brought me to Wing Tsun class and I learned Siu Nim Tao + side kick last night... so fun!

Below are a few classy snaps of Bruce Lee & Master Yip Man:

Friday, June 11, 2010

Enjoy Fresh Hot Water in Eco-Friendly Way

Have you ever thought about saving the world without sacrificing the joy of having the hot and comfy shower?

Yes. You can now. With Instantaneous Water Heating system by Kukel's Porcelain - Energy Technology ™. From now on, you can enjoy Fresh Hot Water right from the water tap without guilt.

How it works:

For details, please feel free to check out our video.

Three "Grace Chan"

Hi, friends!

Haha... you might be amazed with frequency of receiving messages from "Candy & Friends".

Seriously, there are so many cool things happening in my life lately. One of them is I have three beautiful ladies who are called "Grace Chan"

1) Grace Chan, my long time lady friend from Dale Carnegie Training.

2) Grace Chan, my rep from personnel agency. Plus, we went to the same exchange student program in different years.

3) Grace Chan, my coworker from KUKEL. She is very nice to me. Hehe

Well, my 2nd Grace Chan has just sent me the Hong Kong Job opening - Sales Manager in world's graphic design firm specialized in Brand and Identity, Interactive Multimedia and Print Communication. If you are looking for a new challenge and wanna make a change, please let me know. I am pleased to send all the information to you.

On the other hand, I have completed my 1st Snag War Presentation in MACitizen safely, gently, effectively. ^v^ For your "benefit", we are running the iPhone Apps Game with prize - 4GB Eye-Fi Geo X2 SD Card. You could upload your beautiful photos from camera to computer wireless with auto-geotagging. From now on, you will know all the photos with exact location.

Hope you will "grab" the prize from my hand in the next Gathering.

iPhone Game App Download: itms://



Lastly, World Cup is coming in less than 24 hours... Let's party!

Have a wonderful evening!

Yours truly,


Back To Fashion

Hello, A Cube Babies!

How are you? Busy for the 2011 Collection? ^v^ After two years sabbatical from the industry, I am ready to be back to the "Fashion Scene".

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” Coco Chanel Said.

My 1st Movement will be the designer's social networking platform that could let "young" designers to shine. I would like to offer a place to record their design process, tips and portfolio. Plus, we will create a community to grow together.

If you wanna check us out, please feel free to contact me. I am happy to arrange the sneak peak on the website... It will be official launched in 2011.

On the other hand, are you passionate about the FIFA World Cup? If so, then this is the iPhone Game App ( ) for you! Choose a team, and every snagged square will show the national flag of that country. Make sure you snag more squares than all the other world cup countries!

Snagwars iPhone Apps download:

Lastly, I am still hanging out with Sahara, Clio and Chris Man... hope to catch up with you in person soon.

Have a wonderful evening!


Monday, June 07, 2010



觀塘瑞寧街一個單位的電熱水爐,疑因男戶主凌晨冲凉後沒有關掣致恒溫器失效,爐內水蒸氣壓力過大, 7小時後熱水爐猛烈爆炸,單位浴室牆壁炸至倒塌,屋內家具雜物東歪西倒,熱水爐內膽飛落街,幸未有造成傷亡事故。事件中,警方疏散逾百名居民,機電署撿走熱水爐殘骸調查原因。

洗澡沒熱水 婦人換熱水器電池墜樓

... 或許是個別事件, 但悲劇不斷發生, 希望即熱式瓷能熱水器能迅速普及, 讓大家都能安全地享受即開即熱的源源不絕的熱水,為減少使用地球資源,減少用電及低碳排放,並為地球環保作出貢獻。

Saturday, June 05, 2010

下星期二第105次聚會: 太多節目, 太多禮品

大蘋果眾 MACitizen 電子通訊 2010–008

第 105 次聚會詳情

  1. Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Mac
    麥客居 Johnny 曰:「……關於防毒軟件的介紹,共有九種防毒軟件之多,數量可能較在 Mac 上的電腦病毒還要多。」
    為了給大家更多選擇,「成龍果隻」防毒軟件 Kaspersky 最新推出 Mac 版本!過去本會曾分別介紹過 Symantec 及 Intego 產品,今天 Kaspersky 宣布加入戰團,挾著什麼過人優勢?香港總代理 Lapcom 將為大家詳盡介紹……
  2. 以 iPhone 鬥快插旗:Snag Wars
    美國已有 foursquare 風行一時,但為什麼在香港好像熱不起來?是不是有什麼盲點,好像 Twitter 在香港的下場一樣?地頭蟲開發的
    Snag Wars,會否是我們想要的答案? (Candy will show you something in the gathering... MUST COME!!!)
  3. Studio A
    傳聞已久的香港 Apple Store 一直只聞樓梯響,究竟是「傳聞」,還是 derek 常說的「一些人的主觀願望」?以香港人的性格,香港 Apple Store 內裡的 Genius Bar 必須占地一半,才足夠應付人流。
    現實是,可能是全港最大的 3000 呎蘋果專門店 Studio A,已經落戶銅鑼灣,正式開幕!未去過?不要緊,讓大蘋果眾 MACitizen 把 Studio A 帶到會場吧!
  4. 萬眾期待 WWDC 2010
    全新 iPhone、全新 Apple TV、全新 Mac OS X……抱歉 derek 不喜歡作無謂揣測,對傳聞不予置評。幸好是次 MACitizen 聚會剛好在 WWDC 2010 發布會之後,所有官方公布的最新產品 (if any),就讓我們第一時間分析!
  5. 次次有抽獎,人人有獎抽!
    是次聚會特別鳴謝 Kaspersky (Lapcom) 及 Studio A 送出大量精美紀念品及抽獎禮品,萬勿錯過!起錨!
時間:2010.06.08 星期二 7:30 - 10:00 p.m.
地點:香港灣仔軒尼詩道 402-406 號 eTECH Centre(智德中心)4 樓

早下班的朋友,歡迎參加 6:00-7:30 位於 Herpa 36/F 的會員飯局(derek 不會出席)。
請以 Twitter 跟會員 @micazim 聯絡。


由香港公共圖書館及互聯網專業協會 (iProA) 合辦的「資訊科技與你」系列講座,於各區公共圖書館巡迴舉行。大蘋果眾 MACitizen 很榮幸再次獲邀主講,題目為「如何在蘋果電腦使用微軟軟件」:

歷史悠久的 MS Office 有哪些版本?Office 2007, Office 2003, Office XP, Office 2000, Office 97, Office 95... 其實還有 Mac 專用的 Office 2008, 2004, v.X, 2001, 98 等等,大家接觸過嗎?除此以外,微軟還有 Mac 專用的 MSN Messenger 和 Remote Desktop,功能跟 Windows 版本不相伯仲。

時間:2010.06.06 星期日 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
地點:香港仔公共圖書館 推廣活動室


NSUPEVT_PosterIT_You_3_4_10.pdf (1.8MB)

[業界活動] eCMO 座談會 2010 —— 會員限量免費門券
eCMO 座談會 2010 —— 會員限量免費門券

一年一度,由香港互動市務商會 (HKAIM) 主辦的 eCMO 座談會,即將載譽重來!

是次座談會主題為 The "e" behind re-Branding Strategy,由一眾重量級嘉賓主講,各位老闆、公司管理層及市務人員,實在不容錯過!

時間:2010.06.30 星期三 2:00 - 6:00 p.m.
地點:九龍塘 達之路78號 香港生產力促進局 4樓 展覽廳

座談會原價 HK$400,大蘋果眾 MACitizen 作為是次活動支持機構之一,會員一律特價 $250。



另本會將送出 10 張免費門券,優先預留給最早電郵回覆[並且]出席下星期二聚會的會員。有興趣者請即行動!

大蘋果眾 MACitizen 參與製作雜誌廣告 —— Revo Heritage

感謝 Leader Radio (LRT) 的支持及信任,大蘋果眾 MACitizen 有份參與製作的雜誌廣告 "Revo Heritage:就是喜歡它表裡不一" 已於《壹週刊》及各大電腦雜誌陸續刊登,歡迎參考。

大蘋果時代 —— 再續前緣

  1. 蘋果之敵人
  2. 病毒殺唔死蘋果!
  3. 大 iPhone 時代

歡迎加入 Facebook 群組

除了瀏覽主網頁 Mac.UserGroup.HK、電子通訊及 Twitter 帳戶 @MACitizen,大家亦可加入本會的 Facebook 群組,更方便地接收本會最新活動資訊。

感謝您一直訂閱 MACitizen 電子通訊,收取本會第一手活動消息。如欲更改訂閱方式或取消訂閱,請參考以下網頁:

-- 魏志豪 derek Ngai (MACitizen)

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


This instantaneous heat faucet uses a one-of-a-kind porcelain heating system that can transfer more than 2,200ºF of heat with nearly zero heat loss. It uses 220 V., and can be installed with a fixed maximum temperature setting for safety.

From - The Newsmagazine of Mechanical Contracting