Tuesday, December 07, 2010


Spend yourself generously on the good things in life.

Live each day as if it is the last of your life.

The way downhill is always smooth and easy.

Stupidity is hopeless. Ignorance can be fixed.

There is always a better way, if we bother to explore.

Tireless teaching comes from continuous learning.

Those who looks outside, dreams.
Those who look inside, awakens.

Think big but do what requires.

Setback is an X-ray that shows the strength of a manager’s shoulders.

A hero is no braver than any ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.

You will never be too careful to choose your competitors.

The great disregard fame.
The mediocre find fame.
The low steal fame.

From Wab Wab

Train - Shake Up Christmas

"Can you send some happiness?
With my best to the rest
Of the people of the East and the West And
Maybe every once in a while you
Get my grandma a reason to smile
Tis the season of smile... "

Peace out~

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Let's keep!

Happiness keeps You Sweet,
Trials keep You Strong,
Sorrows keep You Human,
Failures keeps You Humble,
Success keeps You Glowing.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Christmas gift suggestions

To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.

Merry Christmas!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Message from a 10 Years Old Girl in Hong Kong





小知識之木材認證:森林管理委員會(Forest Stewardship Council簡稱FSC)是一個於1993年成立的國際非牟利機構,旨在促進對環境負責的森林活動以保護原始森林,其成員包括環保組織、企業和50個國家的政府林業部門、木材貿易協會等。FSC設立認證制度,目的是鼓勵全球企業拒絕使用非法砍伐的木材,改用印有FSC認證標誌的木材,經認證的木材都是來自「次森林」或人工種植森林之木材,表示伐木商會按規定植回指定數量的樹木來補償砍伐了的樹林,更不會肆意砍伐原始森林。因此,若希望拯救樹林、環保用木,購買木製品時應盡量選擇印有FSC標誌的。

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Candy ESFJ 是 主人型?

熱心、健談、受歡迎, 有責任心的天生的合作者, 積極的委員會成員。要求和諧並可能長於創造和諧。經常為別人做好事。能得到鼓勵和讚揚時工作最出色。主要的興趣在於那些對人們的生活有直接和明顯的影響的事情。

MBTI - 十六種性格分析

Thursday, November 04, 2010

消失 by 范曉萱

Love her voice... sweet with depth!

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010




「係呀... 我會多D番嚟探爹哋媽咪嫁啦~」




Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Klout Analysis: Before / After / ...

Candy Mok

I am free. Let's enjoy life and share what we have with each other. Love is all around!

Klout Score

Measurement of your overall online influence Learn more

Influence Matrix

Influence style and network Learn more

Klout Classification

Grid Labels Profile
Candy Mok is an Explorer
You actively engage in the social web, constantly trying out new ways to interact and network. You're exploring the ecosystem and making it work for you. Your level of activity and engagement shows that you "get it", we predict you'll be moving up.

Influenced By

    Influencer Of

      Most influential topics Learn more

      Topic Summary

      • MacBook Pro
      • Apple
      • iPhone
      • MacBook

        After Sign Up

        Candy Mok

        I am free. Let's enjoy life and share what we have with each other. Love is all around!

        Klout Score

        Measurement of your overall online influence Learn more

        Influence Matrix

        Influence style and network Learn more

        Klout Classification

        Grid Labels Profile
        Candy Mok is a Specialist
        You may not be a celebrity, but within your area of expertise your opinion is second to none. Your content is likely focused around a specific topic or industry with a focused, highly-engaged audience.

        Influenced By

          Influencer Of

            Most influential topics Learn more

            Topic Summary

            • MacBook Pro
            • Apple
            • iPhone
            • MacBook

            Influence Network

            Here are some influential followers you may have missed. They follow you, but you don't follow them.

            17KLOUT SCORE


            is a conversationalist

            Love to connect...
            Topics: Sheep

            15KLOUT SCORE


            is a specialist

            Definitely know... 
            Topics: none

          After connecting Facebook Account

          Hey Candy Mok,

          Your Klout Score just went up! We are now including Facebook in your score analysis and you will find your Klout is more accurate. Go to your Klout influence summary to check it out.

          Spreading your content across multiple networks will now directly impact your Klout score. As on Twitter, our underlying premise for influence is not the number of friends or followers you have, but your ability to drive action. Create great content and engage with your network and you will see your Klout score continue to rise!

          Let us know if you have any feedback. We look forward to helping you grow more influential. 

          The Klout Team

          Candy Mok

          I am free. Let's enjoy life and share what we have with each other. Love is all around!

          Influence Matrix

          Influence style and network Learn more

          Klout Classification

          Grid Labels Profile
          Candy Mok is a Conversationalist
          You love to connect and always have the inside scoop. Good conversation is not just a skill, it’s an art. You might not know it, but when you are witty, your followers hang on every word.

          Influenced By

            Influencer Of

              Most influential topics Learn more

              Topic Summary

              • Hong Kong
              • Tea
              • MacBook