Tuesday, October 31, 2006

How to share something with your friend witout hardsell feeling

“Enthusiasm is that ingredient of vitality mixed with a firm belief in what you are doing that ensures the success of any project you undertake.”

- Dale Carnegie

Dear Candy,

Very often in any selling situation obstacles will have to be overcome before a buying decision is made. Resolving objections effectively is a process that involves careful, sensitive listening along with positive, factual responses to the buyer's concerns. Consider the following sales techniques when preparing to meet with, or engaging in any dialogue with your customers or prospects:

- Build a rapport
- Express genuine interest
- Produce a potential solution
- Motivate the client to take action
- Commit your service or product to enhancing their internal establishment

How to Sell Like a Pro

©2006 Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Check this blog out!

I have found an interesting blog online. The blogger is 莘莘學子, a student of Central Saint Martine, London. He has brought me to Switzerland by his snapshots.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Something I have learned today

1) No failure, just feedback.
2) Time management- be specific
3) Let God works with me

Thank you, Bonnie!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

自由的空間- An inspiring article regarding design education


今天報章報導香港理工大學曾嘉琪的產品設計獲得「紅點設計獎」二零零六年概念設計獎。她憑著畢業作品 Plate Tectonics(地表板塊構造論),贏得國際性「紅點設計獎」,並成為理大首位得獎學生。她表示自己很喜歡飲食,因此非常留意與食物有關的物件,靈感由此而來,將藝術意念融合於中西餐具中,令食物可以從美術中表現出來,其作品運用2D、3D及4D的效果設計出六件不同的餐具瓷器組合,其中有梯級型的餐具用以放置甜品,可說是一種食物的演出。「紅點設計獎」是源於德國,全球產品設計比賽之一,曾嘉琪說有來自近五十個國家的五千多份參賽作品角逐獎項,不少參賽者更是專業設計師。早前獲紐約ID雜誌選為全世界最優秀四十位設計師之一的理大設計學院院長 Lorraine Justice 認為亞洲的設計有本身的力量和美感,理大設計學院透過亞洲設計特質來優化人類生活。





posted by Simon Lo @ 10/25/2006 04:26:00 下午

Just find a very interesting article regarding Hong Kong Design Education. It is quite true. Enjoys!

Will it arrive to somebody's hand soon?

I asked a clerk to deliver a card to my friend's desk yesterday. However, my friend did not give me any feedback.

Huh... hope it is on the way...

Friday, October 27, 2006

Current Tracks in Oct 2006


1.恒星 - 艾梦萌
2.习惯 - 张楚格
3.明信片 - 王欣如
4.英雄 - 张冬玲
5.禁止悲伤 - 朱江
6.一个人回家 - 巩贺
7.福尔摩斯 - 李璇
8.骄傲 - 付静
9.收音机 - 罗丹
10.爱非 - 魏佳庆

You might think that I am only interested in R & B, Hip Hop, Hong Kong Pop and some oldies... Currently, I am listening the Album as above. It is from China, my motherland. The singers are fashionable, have brilliant voices and unique styles. Go and check it out!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

SD3445... Done

Glad... we are done with the SD 3445 class by Dr. Ernesto Spicciolato. It is a wonderful learning experience in the School of Design.

All of my peer's designed buttons are beautiful, funky and unique. I like them all. Here are my Top Five favorites:

- Merry-Go-Around House by Yanki
- Black Flower by Lisa
- Leg by Marble
- Fly Chicken by Fiona
- Flower Yarn Button by Cyrana

Moreover, we have receieved many helps from the the technicans in the SD Workshop. Without them, I am not sure if Mok, the first buttonwith my last name would come out nicely.

Thank you, SDs!

Discussing on design process in SD Workshop

Nice Works... our beautiful finishing buttons with individual styles

My very first Button in Red!

With Poly U Green Glass, Gloria and myself.

The logo was designed by Hoong and myself. Justin helped me on creating the AI file.

From Trials and Errors to Finishing Products...

Quick Snap in Y613 with Sahara

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Words... may influence others... be careful...

“Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.”

- Dale Carnegie

Dear Candy,

Good relationships are key to business success. Here are some tips on strengthening your relationships:

- Don't criticize, condemn, or complain
- Give honest, sincere appreciation
- Become genuinely interested in other people
- Smile
- Be a good listener
- Encourage others to talk about themselves
- Make the other person understand that you consider them important

The Dale Carnegie Course®

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Thank you, Wab Wab!

Wab Wab,

Giving me advice, spending time with me, and treating me dinner... you have encouraged and helped me so much.

Just want to give a big THANKS to you now!

Wish you the BEST!



Monday, October 23, 2006

Sit Back and Relax

I am not in control... somebody does... it's ok!

Let is be... be still, be happy!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

One at a time

I have found something important to make my life easier and happier...

Always take one at a time...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Mindfulness Practices for Stress Management

禪 清心與壓力管理


本課程旨在向同學介紹安心癒合法 (Mindfulness Practices for Stress Management,又稱正念療法)。這是一種結合免疫學、神經科學和心理輔導的整全癒合方法。大量的循証研究顯示,本方法具有提高免疫系統功能,減低焦慮和壓力等正面作用。課程將結合坐禪,令同學掌握安心癒合法,有助放鬆心情,同時培養專注,求取內心深處寂靜的領悟,促進身心的和諧。

- 掌握安心癒合法的概要
- 學會放鬆身心及面對壓力
- 培養專注,對自我的身心及思想有更深入的了解
- 懂得有技巧地面對焦慮、壓力和痛苦- 轉化及避免過度負面的情緒課程內容
- 坐禪簡介
- 清心之道
- 壓力管理
- 深度放鬆
- 焦慮與緊張
- 情緒癒合
- 悟  

主 講 人︰ 李懷敏博士, PhD(H.K.) 

I have attend the workshop as above which has given me insight to solve the current problems. Here are the Key Points:

- Life is the matter between breath in and breath out. If it stops, the final result is death
- Don't punish yourself because of somebody's mistake and misunderstanding
- Relax, focus on one point and go by the flow
- Create psychological space in order to grow, think and "move around"
- Live moment by moment
- Eat slow and appreciate what you have
- Don't Rush... you have time

Friday, October 20, 2006

GuangZhou Tianhai Decorative Warknitted Fabric Co., Ltd.

We had learn so much about the lace production at the largest lace factory in China. This one day trip helped us to understand more about coloration, quality control test, finishing...


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Help... I need somebody...

Should I say some more about my current situation?

No way... I am getting there...


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

New Program from AIS

Just received a postcard from The Art Institute of Seattle, my old school regarding the Bachelor of Science - Fashion Marketing, their new program.

Honestly, I miss my time in Seattle very much... the freedom, the creativity, the people, the fresh air, the rain, the mountain, the sea view in library, the kitchens in culinary department, the life drawing session, the nude models...

Shall I turn back time?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Solution for Stress

“Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration and resentment.”

- Dale Carnegie

Dear Candy,

Often fatigue at the end of a work day cannot be attributed simply to the hard work we've done. Our own negative reactions to the stressful, daily grind drain our energy and stifle our potential for success. Here are a few tips on how to relieve some personal frustrations so as to increase productivity without resentment:

- Fill your mind with thoughts of peace, courage, health and hope
- Count your blessings instead of your troubles
- Cooperate with that which is inevitable
The Dale Carnegie Course

Monday, October 16, 2006

So much work with little time

What should I do?

Which one I should do first?

Which one I should do last?


Gosh... HELP!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Back Pain

Sewing with a wrong sitting posture is not very good for the back... I am experiencing back pain currently due to the "long" hour sewing section. Therefore, putting on massage lotion and taking painkillers might give me an instant relieve.

Thank you very much for massaging my back yesterday, Fun! It was nice.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Designed in China from Business Week October Issue

With more than 400 design programs in Chinese schools, Asian design education is undergoing its own revolution

Pay a visit to the Asian Lifestyle Lab on the tropical expanse of Hong Kong known as Kowloon. Housed within Hong Kong Polytechnic's School of Design, students in the lab are researching how people use rice cookers, what they need from tennis shoes, and how to create eyeglasses that fit well atop the bridge of an Asian nose. The four-year-old program is attracting interest from a growing number of global companies like Philips Design, Yahoo! (YHOO ), Nike (NKE ), and Reebok.

Design is on the rise at HK Polytechnic and other Asian universities as academia rushes to respond to China's dictate that innovation must be a priority. The country is trying to move from "Made in China" to "Designed in China," and many believe that design education is a part of that equation. There are more than 400 programs in China alone right now, with an estimated 10,000 designers graduating every year.

The country is making significant investments. In 2004, HK Polytechnic hired Lorraine Justice, formerly head of Georgia Tech's industrial design program, who has 20 years experience teaching American design. Justice was responsible for co-organizing the First China-USA Industrial Design Conference in Beijing. She now heads a design research program as fresh as any program in the U.S., with multidisciplinary partnerships, sponsorship from global companies, and a focus on ethnographic research. Last year, the school embarked on a partnership with the business school to award joint master's degrees to 30 students. And this year, mainland China is bringing the program to Beijing's Tsinghua University.

INQUISITIVE ADVANTAGE. However, even as schools pop up, few have evolved from a classical focus on aesthetics and products to embrace design thinking and research of the nature that HK Polytechnic promotes. The best Asian schools provide students with first-rate technical skills, but their graduates leave without the ability to work across disciplines or to use design strategically. They're not about to do much business model innovation, for example. Much of this may be attributed to Asian education systems from primary school on, which still tend to stress repetition over independent thinking. Says Justice: "The U.S. has a quick advantage. We grow up asking questions. This carries over into our advanced education. They don't have that in China, and it will take them years to develop that mindset."

Nevertheless, that U.S. advantage won't last long. Already schools in China, Korea, Japan, and even India are pulling together design concepts in new ways to land spots on our Global BusinessWeek Design Schools list [LINK TO LIST]. As the Asian schools' competencies grow, a few U.S. design schools are partnering with them. At Oakland (Calif.)-based California College of the Arts, Yves Béhar, founder of fuseproject, recently launched a partnership with Korean cell-phone manufacturer Pantech that brought 20 Korean design students to the U.S. for a brainstorming workshop over the summer. CCA students then returned the visit to present prototypes for the new phones on which they'd collaborated. Pasadena (Calif.)-based Art Center College of Design has partnerships with Tama Art University in Tokyo as well as INSEAD in Singapore. Smart U.S. schools will follow suit.

By Jessi Hempel

After reading this article, I feel very proud to design a button for the course of SD3445 from School of Design in Poly U. It's interesting to explore their facilities in A Core and glad to make a few new friends there.

On the other hand, I have italic and bold part of the article as above. There is somewhat true regarding her opinion toward the difference between Western and Asian Design Education System. In Hong Kong, you are told and follow what the instructor's teachings most of the time a.k.a. “Duck Feed” education system. Instructors teach technical skills, industrial basics, theories and demonstrate their practice. The rest of skills development and critical thinking is depending on student’s creativity, time, dedication and effort.

Since students are lack of critical thinking and self-acknowledge on our own skills & talents. We do not dare to question on unsure situation, challenge the instructor’s expertise and raise issue as necessary. This is what I have found in Poly U. The FAQ section is very short and usually nobody asks question.

However, I believe there will be a change soon as there are more Foreign Instructors coming to Hong Kong to teach and Students having exchange programs. Hopefully, our education system revolution will enhance our society.

2nd Note

Welcome to my Blog!

It is a place for me to communicate with friends & family all over the world, share my thought & study experience in Hong Kong...

Enjoys and thank you for stopping by!


Oct 14, 2006

1st Note

Switching From Friendster to Blogger is not an easy decision... I will start writing more about something fun around my campus life in Poly U. Stay Tune!


Friday, October 13, 2006

Black Friday

Although today is October 13, 2006 (Friday), the weather is nice and the sun shines through the day.

13 strange things have happened. Let's take a look!

1) I woke up around 5 o'clock this morning.
2) After taking Magee's 45 mins Fat burn Cycling Class and Dileep's 1 hour Hatha Yoga Class, my neck pain was gone.
3) I lied because I forgot to log out in the SD computer studio.
4) I sold all my HSBC stock with the price of HK$146.00 per share.
5) I almost completed my SD button project. Big Thanks to Ernesto and William with their helpful tips!
6) I gave Mimi a big hug in SD studio.
7) I had lunch with Chris Man.
8) The presentations from Year 2 students of the BA (Hons) Intimate Apparel were interesting. I was envy that they could travel all over the places for their internship experiences.
9) I met Sexy again.
10) I left my water bottle in MN 108.
11) Somebody wanted me to see him/ her on the following Monday with a "professional" excuse.
12) Kristina told me to be her fitting model.
13) I laughed really loud today.

Do you know which is true and which is false... GUESS!!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hi, Sexy!

Nice to see you today! When shall we meet again?



Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Are you a Leader?

“Life truly is a boomerang. What you give, you get. ”

- Dale Carnegie
Dear Candy,

Leadership is the creation of environments that influence others to achieve group goals. People support a world they help create. To develop the leader in you, try the following guidelines:

- Develop personal leadership
- Communicate to lead
- Recognize human potential
- Build cooperation
- Make decisions
- Manage conflict and change
The Leadership Advantage

A Wonderful Day

9:00am Arrived Poly U and supposed to work on a homework with Microscope for the class of ITC4612.
10:00am Handed in my Library Coupon and Librarian told me that my Certificate would be ready in three working days.
10:30:am Met Mimi and Cyrana in Shum Shu Po for the Material Library Project.
11:00am Received a HK$3.00 Deal from a nice store as above which made my day.
11:20am Had a nice lunch with Mimi and Cyrana.
1:15pm Arrived MN108 and worked on the homework again.
1:30pm Class... Learned about Lace and Embroidery.
4:45pm Found Ernesto and Roger in the secret smoking area.
5:00pm Headed to the Kimberley Street with Chris Man and received a Free set of Acrylic boards for the SD3445 Project as below. (The Store Owner was so COOL!)
6:00pm Got the Mighty Mouse & Mini-DVI to VGA Adapter for my Mac-Book in Mongkok (Made Sure that the Mouse came with two "Button".)
7:00pm Had a slow dinner with my Mom...

Oh my God... what's a Wonderful Day!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Confused, but True...


It's a hard one... some know, some don't...

Monday, October 09, 2006

MacBook Camera Test

It is only 1.3 Megapix Cam... but my friends and I have made a few beautiful snaps.

Thank you!



Sunday, October 08, 2006

From MySpace to face time...The news article that made me think!

Student gives up online pals for real-live friends

October 8, 2006

BY MARTHA IRVINE For some, it would be unthinkable -- certain social suicide. But Gabe Henderson is finding freedom in a recent decision: He canceled his MySpace account.

No longer enthralled with the world of social networking, the 26-year-old graduate student pulled the plug after realizing that a lot of the online friends he accumulated were really just acquaintances.

He's also phasing out his profile on Facebook, another social networking site that allows users to create profiles, swap message and share photos to expand their circle of online pals.

''The superficial emptiness clouded the excitement I had once felt,'' Henderson wrote in a column in the student newspaper at Iowa State University, where he studies history. ''It seems we have lost, to some degree, that special depth that true friendship entails.''

Across campus, journalism professor Michael Bugeja -- long an advocate of face-to-face communication -- read Henderson's column and saw it as a ''ray of hope.''

It's one of a few signs, he says, that some members of the tech generation are starting to see the value of quality face time.

'Reaching a saturation point'As the novelty of their wired lives wears off, they're also are getting more sophisticated about the way they use such tools as social networking and text and instant messaging.

''I think we're at the very beginning of them reaching a saturation point,'' said Bugeja, director of Iowa State's journalism school and author of Interpersonal Divide: The Search for Community in a Technological Age.

In the October issue of the journal Pediatrics, researchers at Stanford University released findings from an ongoing study of students at an upper-middle income high school in the San Francisco area. One survey found that most students were members of at least one social networking site -- 81 percent of them on MySpace. They also found that 89 percent had cell phones, most with text and Web surfing capabilities.

Henderson is enjoying spending more face time with his friends. ''I'm not sacrificing friends,'' by signing off MySpace and Facebook, he said, ''because if a picture, some basic information about their life and a Web page is all my friendship has become, then there was nothing to sacrifice to begin with.''

Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

After reading this news article, I will reach out and spend more time with my friends.

Let's meet up and have fun, pal!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

What's up, Candy?

Nothing Much... still hanging... in Poly U...

Thank you very much for those who have loved me, taught me how to draw, fixed my fabric cutting skill, put up and had lunch with me!
