Saturday, October 21, 2006

Mindfulness Practices for Stress Management

禪 清心與壓力管理


本課程旨在向同學介紹安心癒合法 (Mindfulness Practices for Stress Management,又稱正念療法)。這是一種結合免疫學、神經科學和心理輔導的整全癒合方法。大量的循証研究顯示,本方法具有提高免疫系統功能,減低焦慮和壓力等正面作用。課程將結合坐禪,令同學掌握安心癒合法,有助放鬆心情,同時培養專注,求取內心深處寂靜的領悟,促進身心的和諧。

- 掌握安心癒合法的概要
- 學會放鬆身心及面對壓力
- 培養專注,對自我的身心及思想有更深入的了解
- 懂得有技巧地面對焦慮、壓力和痛苦- 轉化及避免過度負面的情緒課程內容
- 坐禪簡介
- 清心之道
- 壓力管理
- 深度放鬆
- 焦慮與緊張
- 情緒癒合
- 悟  

主 講 人︰ 李懷敏博士, PhD(H.K.) 

I have attend the workshop as above which has given me insight to solve the current problems. Here are the Key Points:

- Life is the matter between breath in and breath out. If it stops, the final result is death
- Don't punish yourself because of somebody's mistake and misunderstanding
- Relax, focus on one point and go by the flow
- Create psychological space in order to grow, think and "move around"
- Live moment by moment
- Eat slow and appreciate what you have
- Don't Rush... you have time

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