Friday, September 30, 2005

Chasing & Being Chased

No matter where people are... they are either chasing something or someone or the other way around. They might feel tired and exhaust in the middle of the race, but at the end they lose/ get what they expect and feel relieve.

I have been being this situation this week. My clients wanted to have their stock immediately without any in-depth knowledge of printing. It was difficult for me explain everything at once. I did not feel good.

At the same time, one of my clients took the stock without paying a single penny. Her corporate was so called "Reliable" and "Trustworthy". I was asking for the cheque throughout this week. Unfortunately, she said that their account department was still checking the status of something.

Maybe she was a liar.

Having a great lesson of "Chasing & Being Chased", I feel great and know how to deal with people better in the future.

Man, no pain no gain.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

My One Year Anniversary- Moving Back To Hong Kong Home

It sounds long, but not too short time since my return to my homeland safely.

Flashing back my memory...

Having farewell dinner with Inter Unite in Racha Thai Cuisine- Queen Ann Hill, walking by myself in the downtown Seattle, packing at my studio last minute, crying on the bed the night before the flight, saying good bye to Rahul, P Aw and Misuzu in the Sea Tac Airport… I feel all those things seems to happen yesterday.

Then, my father picked me up at the Hong Kong Airport and asked the date that I would start looking for jobs… it was a scary start here.

The only important things that I have been gifted by the United States of America are a Positive and Fluent in English.

Thank God for that! Otherwise, I will miss out many great opportunities in my life. For the next year, I will not stop here and wait for something to pop up, but to grab every single chance to succeed.

Can’t wait to see my dream come true!


PS. I want to thank the people who have been so helpful and loving to me in Hong Kong as follow. My family, Carol’s cell, Ocean Unit, everybody in Hang Sing, SEPA 06, KTL schoolmates, Eva, Judy, Noel and many of you who reads my blog here everyday.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

What the heck!

Where is my personal space? Is it a place that I could stay alone inside the four walls? Or just a moment that I could spend by myself with no stress?
It is so difficult to find a space like this in Hong Kong. Most of the place is filled with cultural polluted media and rush atmosphere. Some people know where they are going next or so call "Chasing Goal". The Dsc00474noise in the city is so overwhelming that just makes human beings to feel indifferent.

I was waiting for bus 70 in the Exchange Square and looking around. There was a Chinese religious figure- "Ground- Earth" in the middle of bus which an invisible Security.

Although I don't believe in things like that, I have found it was interesting picture. Anyway, I need peace in my mind and stay calm in the middle of the crazy international city.

Monday, September 26, 2005

戴晨志 博士 佳句集錦*








※You can not be no. 1 in everything, but you must be no. 1 in something。










* This FWD Message is from Billy Cheung.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Dine out with Mom

My mom and I have not had dinner together more than a week. I have been so busy that could not have a chance to chat with her. She told me that she has got back all her MPF money and opened the new bank account with my dad. That's pretty much about it!

Nothing New! I wish we would have more in common.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Trip to My Beloved India

I am gladly to announce that my 7 days India Trip has been approved by my boss. He has told me that I could travel as long as the jobs are completed. My coworkers are so excited for me.

Getting away from Hong Kong for a while and seeing my friend in India are Great! I don't know what to say at this point, but working hard at work and researching the trip are my first priority.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Long time no crush

I have found myself to have multiple-crush. Is it a sin? Or is it crazy? After sharing this stuff with my friend, she told me not to be silly.

Then, should I stay or should I wait?

Should I put my head down and focus on what I have?


My working is full loaded because I am lack of effective project management skill. How can I make a better plan on scheduling?


Christmas is getting near... a peak printing season is up. I should get ready!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I felt so tired today. Did I play too hard last weekend? Maybe my body is unable to cope with the pace.

I need a vacation for a stress relief!

Or... the other way around... I just need some spice in my life.

What/ Who can spice up my life at this moment?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Mid Autumn Festival 2005

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Don’t want to write much! I just want to share a few photos with you which were taken in the Mid Autumn Festival Weekend. It was a great once since 1999. Hahahhaha…

Friday, September 16, 2005


I was sympathized after reading the article of Salary Rise in Sing Pao Newspaper today.

Maybe I am the lucky one. My friends are hard working individuals in Hong Kong, but they have not deserved what they supposed to receive. Most of them work without Over Time Paid and some of them live in poverty.

Honestly, I had experienced low income during the school time and the first working year in Seattle. It was harsh environment and I did not eat well. I took loads of sleeping pills and feeling depressed. I had to see doctor in public health for free and almost needed to go to the food bank as my counselor suggested me to do so.

Anyway, I want to encourage some of you to be bold by sharing this personal experience.

Never look down on yourself!

Lastly, here is the great article. Enjoys!







Investment 101

The Mutual Fund Class was so interesting and HK$725.00 did worth every single Cent. The content was well covered and my peers were from all walk of life. We discussed about Hedge Fund, work ethics and balance fund last night.

Definitely, I will sign up for another class from Hong Kong Security Institute and read more books about Investment.



My admired KTL schoolmate...

she was very cool and I enjoyed hanging out with her during the school time.

Last night, we had a fine dinner and sharing in one of the CWB Japanese Restaurants. She told me about her career, drama club, family and studies. I was so impressed by her amazing experience in Hong Kong.

I wish I could spend time with her again.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Rule of 72

Just learned another trick of compounding. Rule of 72 is a way to know how fast your money will double. Estimate the yearly rate of return and divide it into the number 72. The result is the number of years it will take for the investment to roughly double in value.

For example, US$10,000.00 investment. If the Annual Return is 3%, it will take 24 years to get the double as US$20,000.00.

3% - 24 Years
6% - 12 Years
9% - 8 Years
12% - 6 Years

Anyway, it is just math... Let's say if it happens in your salary rate...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Analogy of Investment Philosophy

I am taking a 101 class of Mutual Fund which is offered by Hong Kong Security Institute. Mr. Monty Yuen is the instructor and the class atmosphere is pretty fun.

At the end of the class, here is the Analogy of Investment Philosophy.

Value investing is like getting on the MTR train early at Central Station, you know it will start, but you just don't know exactly when.

Growth investing is getting on the train when the announcement was made that the doors will be closing.

Momentum investing is getting on the train when the doors are closing. You may be able to get on, but sometimes you will get stuck and it's very dangerous.

It is an interesting Analogy that could possibly apply to every field including career & relationship.

Sunday, September 11, 2005


Am I too heavy as the height of 164.5cm?

Well, I don't care. It is not because I want to look good or for some guys, but just try to be healthy and happy.

Anyway, I hope the weight won't be a big matter.

Cheer up!!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Something Crazy Happens In My Life

Well, I am getting better now. Meanwhile, I can't share what is happening in my life. It is not because I try to hide or mislead people, but the time is not suitable yet. Anyway, thanks for your concerns! I will write some more in my blog later.

Friday, September 09, 2005

911 呼喚米奇的良心晚會+


獵奇行動(Disney Hunter)是一個由大專生組成的迪士尼關注小組。我們希望藉著這個平台,引起各界人士對迪士尼所帶來的問題的關注。我們主要透過調查研究、公眾教育和社會行動,關注與迪士尼有關的勞工、官商勾結、經濟、版權、環境、文化等問題,藉此揭示迪士尼夢幻背後真實的一面。



現誠邀 貴機構參與「911 呼喚米奇的良心晚會」。行動詳情如下:











聯絡人:丘梓蕙 9428 7640/ 楊文友 96485995






1. 填海所用的填料主要是天然海沙,而非把建築廢料廢物利用。

2. 採海沙時嚴重污染蒲台島及香港仔對出海面的採沙地點,令大量海魚和珊瑚死亡。

3. 2002年在樂園工地底下發現大量含致癌物二噁英毒泥,承建商為能夠盡快進行工程而將毒泥運走處理,因而令這種致癌物很大機會外泄。

4. 建造迪欣湖在具有高度生態價值的東涌河盜去大量卵石,令稀有的北江光唇魚一度消失。另外,迪士尼主題公園每月所產生的垃圾大約相等於2.5座天壇大佛的重量。每晚的煙花演也會釋出對人體有潛在危險的物質,而巨大的聲響則對居民造成滋擾。






1. 設有禁止停泊區及禁飛區。

2. 豁免巡遊花車的限制。

3. 破例獲准每日發放煙花。

4. 一般情況下,本港的醫護及警務人員不能直接進入樂園範圍進行救援及巡邏。


1. 迪士尼童話故事中的女主角都生活於父權社會,婚姻為女性的唯一和最大成就,女性是男性的附屬品。

2. 動畫中的主角操純正美國白人口音,但奸角都是深膚色或操少數族裔口音,這反映迪士尼的種族歧視。

3. 迪士尼透過卡通向兒童灌輸單一的價值觀,例如女性必須依靠男性;鋪天蓋地的行銷品令兒童只著重物質世界。

4. 迪士尼影響我們的城市規劃和管理,增加了社會的排他性,大大縮窄公眾的活動空間,把一切與主題無關的人物、團體,如流浪者、小販、不同政見團體排外,以成就其夢幻之城的想像。











Yahoo! 網上聯盟 Links


退出聯盟, 請發電郵到:

使用Yahoo! 網上聯盟時請按服務條款的規定。

+ This email is forwarded by Michelle Fong.

Not Well

Sorry! I am not feeling well today. Once my body gets better, I will write somemore. Talk with you soon.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


I had a fabulous day today. Meeting new clients, getting an interesting printing project, having a great dinner with friends... what can I ask for more in my life?

I should be thankful for that!

Also, I took pictures of the Habour during the ferry ride. Here we goes!

Dsc00421 Dsc00422

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Crazy People

Currently, I am engaging in a few problems in Hong Kong. Those problems have not happened to me many years since I was in the US.

I do not understand why some of the people are acting so strange and making me feel so uncomfortable. It is crazy!

Anyway, I hate to complain in my blog and do not want to point out what the problems are. It is because most of the people are very sensitive here.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A Typical Monday

Monday... it's Monday... a lovely one, a refresh one & a busy one. I had a easy morning. On, my friend asked me out for lunch in Causeway Bay. It was a fancy Japanese restaurant with a beautiful view of the Victoria Harbor. The food was tasty and the servers were nice. The most important was that it was his treat.

During the lunch, I received a call from my client who informed me to print the brochure immediately. Therefore, I did not need to show them the final version in their office in the afternoon.

Typing a few new quotations, another client asked me about adding silver color on their A4 handbill. Of course, I had to consult with my coworker on the technical side.

A few moments later, I received my paycheck at 4:35pm. I did not understand why my company would give me the check after 4:00pm every month. Was it a designated time?

Lastly, I worked with the new client on her invitation card project. The card was very 70's and I liked the color a lot.

Monday, September 05, 2005

The Family Man

The_family_man_2Switching through the TV channels last Friday night... there was an interesting movie caught my eyes. The name of the movie was "The Family Man" and Nicolas Cage was in it. I really like the story and the scripts. It made me think of my priority in life and my perspective toward relationship and family.

Live a life with no "What if..."

Appreciate how much my parents have given up for me.

A fast-lane investment broker, offered the opportunity to see how the other half lives, wakes up to find that his sports car and girlfriend have become a mini-van and wife.*


Look, maybe I’m not as good a consigliere as you are but you have to trust me on this one. A little flirtation’s harmless but you’re playing with fire here. The Fidelity Bank and Trust is a tough creditor. You make a deposit somewhere else, they close your account forever.


Look, you’re making this into something it’s not. This isn’t a referendum on our lives, Kate. It’s a step forward... (appealing to her) Don’t you see? I’m talking about us finally having a life other people envy. Silence. Kate looks him in the eye – a deep, piercing look...


They already do envy us, Jack... - JACK This is New York City, it’s like the needy people capital of the world. Those Jersey clients of yours aren’t a tenth as pathetic as the ones you could get here...


...the house is a mess, but it’s ours... (chuckling) ...well, after a hundred twenty two more payments it will be...

* Credit to

** Credit to,-The.html

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Job Seeking... Love Hunting...

Career starter

-       University graduate

-       2-3 years experience in Key Account Management or Trade Marketing

-       Good command of English and Chinese

-       Proficiency in PC operations

-       Mature, independent, self-motivated, overtime work required

Lifetime Partner

-       Well educated at home and in school

-       Experience is not required

-       Able to communicate with me effectively at ease

-       Can Cook Tasty Food

-       Loving, Sweet, Sexy & Fun. A few days off from Candy per week

The successful principles between job seeking and loving hunting are pretty much the same. You are trying to sell yourself to make somebody to buy the ideally you. Honestly, I am an aggressive hunter and always look for the best one in my eyes. However, the best one does not mean he/ she would be the most compatible with you. It is not fair!

Well, I am waiting, searching & hunting the One. Where are you?

Friday, September 02, 2005

Dad's cell phone plan

My dad told me that he got a really good deal on his cell phone plan.

HK$70.00 for 1,000mins.

Basic service without voicemail... I don't think he would care about his voicemail box anyway.

For myself, not yet... I am still searching for The Best One.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Somebody Writes about me...

Thursday, September 01, 2005
  好多野想寫, 你地有排看了!!!

先講昨天, 從早到晚-- 怒玩!!!

一早起床, 6.45am 到尖沙咀和candy做gym。她有會籍, 可以帶未去過的朋友免費玩一次。幾好玩。謝謝你呢! 成日帶我去d我不會去的地方。試了人生第一次蒸氣浴同桑拿---- 勁辛苦! 一入內眼都開不了, 好難透氣, 說不了話。可能本身都好怕熱吧! 不過試一試, 也無妨既。

朋友要返工, 九時半便走了。之後回家, 立刻洗衣, 堆了一大堆。趕趕忙忙洗完, 到旺角見七、八個溝草同學仔。好開心! 從下午一點玩到晚上十一點才分手, 共吃了三餐 ︰元祿、cafe、pizza hut。哇! 這天高興的代價是無限增加卡路里!!!

早上做gym後吃了半個蜜糖綠茶味老婆餅 (candy 送的), 之後妹妹換了半打美心凍餅, 一人三件。之後就是上述的食、食、食! 簡單來說就是從早上十點食到晚上十點! 十二個鐘不停吃、吃、吃! 問你死未?! 怪不得同學女竟然說不想肥過我啦! 激死!  #~#


恭喜vicky 有second in, 仲有erica找到工, 還有薩薩。恭喜恭喜! 自己也想快點成為下一個。

她們都叫我放手。知道你們為我好…… 就是這些事, 的確很難言明。

  Posted 9/1/2005 at 1:19 AM

Cell phone Plan

Our household has three cell phones: My Father, Mother and I. We do not talk much on the cell phones because we always transfer the lines back to work or home. Therefore, we need a cheaper plan with a few basic services such as voice mail, call waiting, conference call & Caller ID.

My budget will be 3 phone lines, 2,000 minutes family plan and cost around HK$200.00. Is it possible?