Saturday, January 31, 2009

Race number Cloth, Timing Chip & Souvenir Collection

Dear Runners,

Are you ready? One more week... our big day will come... hope all of you are healthy with full energy this week.

Just a kindly reminder for you- remember to pick up your Race number Cloth, Timing Chip & Souvenir Collection with the acceptance letter these two days.

Race No: 73067
Event: Half Marathon Challenge
Category: Senior/ Women
Starting Time: 6:50am
Starting Venue: Nathan Road, TST

Again, it's my first time and I look forward to finishing the race... because Poly U will refund part of the application fee if I do not need to ride on those "car" to get back. Wish me well, ok? ^v^

Lastly, I met Fergus the other day in our friend's wedding. He looked very fit and gave me some running tips... thank you very much for inviting me to take this big step and challenge myself!

Have fun in the race and see you there!



Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's a good work out!

Shall we have one more soon?

Thank you very much for bearing it through, friends!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

囍帖街 - 謝安琪

A popular song in Hong Kong recently!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


My yoga teacher gave me a hundred dollars to give to a poor nearby the Langham Place at the second day of Chinese New Year. I was worried because I could not find him in the midst of crowd at that particular time.

Thank God... he was there alone with a pair of sleepy eyes...

"Uncle, 恭喜發財, may you stay healthy!" And I gave him the hundred dollars bill with a smile.

He smiled back and said a few words...

Wow... my heart beat quicker and I felt great after this incident...

Surely, I will give more to those who are in need in the future... because it will make the world better...

Let's smile!


Monday, January 26, 2009

ASIIA 2009

Dear ASIIA classmates,

Our year 1 and 2 classmates would like to invite all of you to our Chinese New year Party at the evening of Feb 16 (Mon), 2009. The details will be released once we have the approximate number of guests.

If you are interested in, please feel free to reply this message. It will help them to prepare the party. Thank you!


A Cube

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The year of ox

World peace... 

hope we will make smart decisions, 

cause less conflicts and get along with each other.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

16 Tags

16 ramdom things about Candy Mok
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

1) I am using THREE with 3G plan. Video conference, SMS and MMS are welcome.

2) I do not have internet at home. If emergency or appointment changed, please inform me by phone.

3) I have one younger sister.

4)I have comparatively darker skin, big eyes, flat nose and thick lips, Americanized, my nicknames are “wild people”, Ms. Black Piggy Mok, Mok Tong Tong (Suger), Mok Siu Yen (Don’t laugh at people), Cotton Candy…

5) My dad did not allow my sister and me to play computer games. I have no contact with PSP, X Box or Wii… sometimes I might play the Sims.

6) Gillian Chung was my classmate. (Do you know my age now?)

7) I was with the classical guitar band in Kowloon True Light Middle School.

8) I failed twice in Chinese exam of HKCEE. I passed the written test once and twice in my driving test.

9) My friends and I always hosted house party during my overseas studies. The most silly game was to drink beer with Funnel as quick as possible.

10) Enjoy making friends. I try my best to keep in touch my friends. My closed friends are Sahara, Clio, Winnie, Erika, Stephen, Tony, Maria, Mandy, Gigi, Ada and Tong brothers…

11) I was promoted from a sales associate of retail store to a marketing executive of printing companies. Truly admire the hard work of front line coworkers and understand their situations.

12) My dream is to help the husband and teach the children -- the duty of a wife. I could watch the Pleasure & Leisure TV show (Something like Oprah’s show) and cook everyday. Half is true… ^v^ the other half is to retire in my 40s, travel around the globe and make a different for the world.

13) My favorite musicians are the Beatles, Spice Girls, Robbie William, Norah Jones, Madonna and Beyond. I don’t like heavy metal bands.

14) I do yoga and swim every week.

15) I love the mother nature- love sunbathing on the glass or in the beach.

16) I do not believe in the promise of beauty products. Beauty is from self-confidence, healthy body, tidiness, self-control, cultivation, being compassion loving and knows how to make and match with fashion items. I disapprove of those who are ill fitted, over stuffed and brand addicted.

Special thanks to Sahara who has sat an excellent example 16 ramdom things for me to follow and let to know her better.

關於我── Candy Mok

1) 我是3的3G客戶, 歡迎視像, SMS和MMS。

2) 家中沒有寬頻上網, 有急事, 臨時更外約會地點或時間必須用電話通知我, 唔該!

3)兩姊妹, 我是姊姊。

4) 由於皮膚黝黑, 大鳳眼, 扁鼻厚唇, 性格較鬼妹, 花名有野人, 莫黑豬, 莫糖糖, 莫笑人, Cotton Candy…

5) 小時候, 爸爸不許我們打遊戲機, 現在與PSP, XBox或Wii絕緣, 間中玩吓模擬市民。

6) 曾與鐘欣桐同班。(知道我幾多歲?)

7) 中學時代, 和真光同學夾古典結他 Band。

8) 會考中文考了兩次都不合格, 考車牌筆試一次過關, 路試兩次才過關。

9) 留學時,時搞House Party, 最無聊的遊戲是鬥快用漏斗溜斗飲啤酒。

10)四海之內皆兄弟, 喜歡交朋友, 常和大家用不同方法聯絡感情。好友包恬牛牛, 小明妺, Winnie, Erika, Stephen, Tony, Maria, Mandy, Gigi, Ada, 唐氏兄弟…

11) 做過 Sales, 由街舖Sell到去Corperates, 非常欣賞前綫同事的拼博和明白他們的幸酸!

12) 理想是相夫教子, 每天都可以看都市閒情和買餸煮飯… 一半是真啦! 另一半是四十歲前, 收山環遊世界, 做有意義和對世界有建設性的事。

13) 常聽音樂有Beatles, Spice Girls, Robbie William, Norah Jones, Madonna, Beyond… 最憎Heavy Metal Bands

14) 每星期抽空玩瑜伽和游泳。

15) 喜愛大自然, 有時間就躺在草地或沙灘曬太陽。

16) 不相信美容產品的諾言, 美麗是來自自信, 健康, 整潔, 自制, 內涵, 愛心和適當的時裝配搭。討厭人衣不稱身, 過份堆砌和崇尚名牌。

特此感謝牛牛的分享,她典下一個模範, 讓我深一層認識她!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

First couple's first dance X Beyonce's At Last

At last my love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song
Ohh yeah yeah
At last
The skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover
The night I looked at you
I found a dream, that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known
Ohh yeah yeah
You smile, you smile
Oh And then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
For you are mine at last


Very sweet... Congrats, Mr. & Mrs. Obama!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You mean the world to me

You have made a decision for your life. Sorry, I still do not have the courage to tell you... even now...

I hate to break people's hearts... but having you on my side every day... it will be...

I am thankful to have you as my dear friend at this difficult time...

We will be friends forever... love you deeply, madly and dearly... support you silently...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

九龍真光中學 六十週年校慶聚餐

Dear KTL sisters,

How are you? Long time no see... our school will host a reunion party at May 2 (Sat), 2009. I am wondering if you are interested in joining this reunion party.

Our classmates would like to share the same table. Therefore, you are welcome to confirm asap as the link below so that we could propose our seating plan to school. Hope to see you there.

地點:旺角新世紀廣場八樓 美心皇宮大酒樓
九龍真光中學 尹婉芬老師 電話留座:3655 0041



Monday, January 19, 2009

Living in present tense

I am... you will become a part of the past soon... let's leave it like that...

Sunday, January 18, 2009




但是,他最開心的不是看了這麼多的錄影帶,而是他找到了自己的風格,以及他私淑的導演作品,這些是他末來創作的良好素材與奮鬥的方向。 吸飽了養分,他前往好萊塢發展,果然,他的第一部電影一炮而紅,也奠立了他未來事業的基礎。


「如果只靠信心的話,我想事情好辦多了,我想還需要努力。」 凡走過,必留下痕跡。



From Wab Wab

Friday, January 16, 2009

S.H.E 飛輪海 - 酸甜

Really Cute... Love it!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Learning Chinese Input Method...

I am... for a good cause...


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

取消家中上網服務 Canceling the internet service at home

Hello, how are you?

Since canceling the internet service at home, my personal time has been increased rapidly. I have more time to be calm, clean up my home, watch TV, read newspaper... the most important is to have more time for my family and friends. I don't turn on my computer right after getting home and lock myself up with the virtual world...

Recently, I am sadly to receive a few bad news regarding my friend's health. I truly suggest that we should take care our body seriously, watch what we have for our meal, exercise regularly, release stress and share our personal matters with those you trust... (sounds old fashion, but true...) Surely, we should treasure the time we have together... sometimes, something we cannot chase back...

Chinese New Year is coming, remember to we will visit and care our relatives and friends we do not meet usually.

Wish you all have a wonderful year of cow!




自從家中取消了上網服務,我的私人時間就明顯地增加,給自己多些時間安靜,收拾家居,看電視,閱報… 最重要是多了和家人及朋友有聲有影地相處,不再像以往一回家就開電腦上網,不隨意地自我封閉。

最近收到數位朋友健康的壞消息,真感到沮喪萬分,我想,大家要保重身體,注意飲食,常做運動,釋放壓力和與信得過的人分享心事。(老套?都要講句…) 還有,珍惜相處時間… 有時,真是有??,過?就追唔番!




Monday, January 12, 2009

Going to happen...

Sit back and relax... let's watch!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Back home safely

Thank God... it was a wonderful trip with Terry Lu...

Hope to have the 2nd trip soon...

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Dear All:


相见既是缘分,更何况我们同事几载. 自2004年06月09日加入LYY这个大家庭已经五个年头了!当要离开时才知道我们过去的时光是多么的美好,让人依依不舍!我要感谢LYY里的每一位,因为在过去几年工作中你们给了我许多帮助和支持!同时我也真心向大家道声:"对不起'!也许在过去我不经意时影响了您的心情!好想在我离开时得到您的原谅并希望记住LEO这个名字.




Best Regards,

Leo Ma

周慧敏 - 孤單的心痛

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

I am blessed

Thank God...

Finally, I have got a new direction. Prayer really works...

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Love to chat with you tonight...

Guess that you have a plan for your life...

And I have mine...

Shall we change our plans?


Saturday, January 03, 2009


越在乎的人   你反而會對他產生誤會           
越在乎的人   犯了錯你反而越不能原諒他      
越在乎的人   你反而對他越不客氣            
越在乎的人   你反而越會裝做不在乎             
你是否覺得該把握當下   不然一個轉身          
可能就是擦身而過的過客而已   而又多了一個遺憾罷了       
事實上    人跟人相處真的很奧妙              
你喜歡他    他不喜歡你           
你不喜歡他     他卻偏偏愛你如癡如狂       
當發現自己喜歡的人   也喜歡你時     
那種愉悅的心情    簡直有如飛上天一樣            
但如果發現自己喜歡的人   也喜歡你時           
而彼此身旁卻另有他人時     那種心情也是不好受的           
人來到世上 如果凡事都有那麼多的拘束
那是件很痛苦的事 如果真的想做就去做
選擇 決擇 都是一輩子必須面對的
可惜人生無法重來一遍 我好後悔
一路跌跌撞撞的爬過來 辛酸無人知
有時好希望有人可以跟我說說話 聊聊心事
但卻找不到 我真的覺得好累
雖然知道自己選擇的路 自己要負責

From Wab Wab

Thursday, January 01, 2009