Sunday, May 31, 2009

Do you believe it or not?

Kinda interesting... just for your reference...

Sleep like a baby

Honestly, I have not slept like that for a long time... miss this sleeping mode for a long time.

Above Photo was taken in Château de Versailles by me... ^v^

Saturday, May 30, 2009







From Wab Wab

Friday, May 29, 2009

失魂 by Soler

I love Soler. Wish they will make more cool music.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's lovely to meet you all

Thank you very much for giving me a chance to serve you!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


We knew each other in 90s...

maybe we have changed a little physically, but we can still laugh as loud as before...

Thank you, my friends!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I need one, may I?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Summer Time Blues

Try to add perfumes to your minds to meet me there,
The summer is here and it is with the blues;
You are not alone on this hot summer night.
We havethe natural fragrant to keep us going,
The summer time blues to swing with the muse;
You are not alone without the blues.
Scents for your love,
Mid-Summer-Night blues to your taste;
Enjoy the summer with the safety of numbers.
Summer time blues,
The fragrant of love to keep you going;
Summer, summer, summer time! !
Summer time blues,
The summer of a muse;
Summer time blues,
The summer of a poem;
With relationships that moves you up.
Summer time blues,
With the heat waves to crown the day;
Perfume your body to meet up to the act.

Let us visit Copacabana and Ipanema this summer,
Of the rocky promontory at sight to give you hope;
Like the summer time blues with your lover.
It is summer time,
Visit the beaches to see things for yourselves;
Summer, summer, summer time! !
Meet me there and touch me with your heart.
A summer time love with the blues,
Like the golden grape of my soul;
Summer is the essence of a colourful life.
The sense of reality in times like this,
The heat with love to share with others;
Where the hearts of lovers do meet like,
One's love never touched before.
Summer time blues is all about this muse,
A time of love to share with your lover;
Summer, summer, summer time! !

Edward Kofi Louis

This summer will never be the same again... since I am with you!

Friday, May 22, 2009

YUBZ's Rock Gold

Check out the 5:12'

You will never drop you iPhone again!

Seeking a true Classy Gentleman who loves life‏

Aloha, my gentleman

Love is relation between two joy, happiness, pain, sorrows, it said to be a beautiful relation between two hearts.

People say that I’m a cheerful girl. I have a great sense of humor I adore good jokes and great company. Though on the one hand I like comfort still I love crazy things sometimes. So as you can see I’m an unpredictable girl! One can’t ever be bored with me!

I am honest. I value my family and friends. I am looking for someone who is honest. He should enjoy all the seasons. My match should enjoy kids and animals.

I’m looking for a real Man! He must be different and first of all he must have good sense of humor. My Man is generous, kind-hearted, tactful and strong. But
if it is necessary he will listen to you and give you a good piece of advice! Somebody like you :)

Svetlana B

Maybe I should start posting message like Svetlana B's.

Where is my Mr. Right?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Creamy & Paul's wedding day

Wow... Creamy & Paul... Love your wedding day...

Have a happy marriage!

Friday, May 15, 2009

人生何處不 laughing


Ps: 信自己是最charming, 替自己在生命冊上預留一個 booking,
寫下無悔今生的happy ending! 最後讓我們 ask for God's blessing!

Wab Wab

點點滴滴如何 coloring,

有人怨天尤人經常 crying,
有人餐搵餐食掛住 shopping,
有人遊戲人間鍾情 playing,
有人空談理想齋 talking;
也有人永不停步不斷 struggling,
像薛家燕雖然百病纏身令她 suffering,
但為了子女將來的美好 living,
依然不理手術後傷口仍在 paining,
令聞者 worrying,
聽者 touching,
都說母愛永遠最是 shinning。

頭上白髮告訴你青春不會 waiting,
你不期然開始 wondering,
為何幸運之神總是未有 coming,
成功的燈塔卻遠在天邊未能 climbing,

想當初百多元買入匯豐當作 saving,
怎不教人 shocking?
既然捉不到高位沽貨的 timing,
下一秒卻只有 nothing。

何不找一個陽光普照的 morning,
走到郊外試試 hiking,
聽小鳥無愁地 singing,
看地上蟻群悠閒地 walking,
還有風聲蟬鳴蛙叫讓你 listening;
再放眼 looking,
天上飛鳥自在地 flying,
是不是很好 feeling?

看大自然的 amazing,
感受活着的 pleasing!
來吧!do something!
不要沉迷於 drinking或sleeping,
總有人令你 missing,
總有目標讓你朝着 running,
哪怕 dying,
哪怕 raining,
替自己在生命冊上預留一個 booking,

寫下無悔今生的happy ending!

最後讓我們 ask for God's blessing!

Contest: Win Pilot Speed's "Wooden Bones" CD & YUBZ Handset

Hello, my dear friends!

Wish you luck!



Prize: One winner will receive a YUBZ handset and Pilot Speed' s new CD; See Contest Details!
Exceptions: None; see official rules for eligibility
Number of winners allowed: 1
Contest Ends: Friday June 12th 2009

Watch the video for "Put the Phone Down"

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Friendship or romance?‏

Privet, dear!

I will love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

I love to laugh. I am very loyal. I love bowling while having a few beers.

I'm a pretty good cook, but LOVE to go out to eat. Family time is important to me. Honesty is everything to me. Lying in bed, watching TV, while eating cereal is a heavenly evening. But it’s great to go out and listen to a band and do some dancing.

If I could find the right person, I'd be just as happy going to the zoo, as I would go on an exotic vacation. I believe if you really love someone, there is no wrong place to be. I never expect perfection out of any kind of relationship. Only honesty, loyalty, and acceptance. I always give the same. I'm ready to be happy, and to make someone else happy.

My ideal match is honest. He loves to love and loves to have fun. He will
always be there for me, and he will have faith in me that I will always be
there for him.

Waiting for your mail
Uliana S.

Wow... very sweet message from Russia I guess... I am not sure why I am receiving this type of emails lately... maybe I should start fishing for my Mr. Right with the "copy and paste" trick.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


You gotta play it well...

Good Luck!

Can you write?

Dear friends,

How are you? It's me, Candy... just completed the Body Pump Class tonight... little bit tired, but feel very relieved... getting in shape for beach parties and boat trips...

My friends and I are going to create a new blog for fun. We are open to topics, something that are fun for people to read in free time... make people chuckle, ok? XP

Therefore, we are looking for young professionals who are

- Dare to share anything from yourself, fashion, lifestyle, food, travel, sex to career...
- Believe that your writing can make a impact in the world,
- Want to earn extra cash in leisure

If you are interested, please feel free to drop me a line. I will contact you ASAP. Thank you!

Have a beautiful evening!



Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A private message from a stranger on Facebook

Dear friends,

How're you? Long time no see... for some of you... ^v^

Anyway, I have received a private message from a stranger. So true in some ways... maybe you are interested in checking out... nothing harmful...







3.作者圖文共賞 ----------------近來,香港會寫字的人愈來愈少,精彩的文章加好的插圖令您魂醉(筆者希望帶出令人感動的訊息)

4.旺角大街有野賣-------------基於香港零售業已被幾家大財團所壟斷,壟斷令租金大副上升,這也令產品價格上升.小商戶愈來愈難經營.更可怕的是:這些財團擁有自己大 大小小的 購物商場和超市百貨,它們已發展到有能力控制市民的消費行為.超市只容許自己代理或生產的產品上架.消費者只能買到大財團想你買的東西"百x睥""x康牌".消費者已逐漸 變成大財團的奴隸.小市民辛辛苦苦賺了錢,吃一碗麵,買一對鞋,貨價有一半都是給了這些貪心的大財團老板.作為香港人,我們更不願看到深圳的超市裡,產品品種要比香港超 市多上幾倍(深圳人口比香港少好多)...... (筆者歡迎多點香港少見的商品在此擺放)

Ji Wong

Sunday, May 10, 2009







Love this meaningful article with a truthful reminder... I should care more about my parents now... don't wait until the last minute!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Beautiful Mom

Beautiful mom does not need a winkle free skin, a fancy outfit, a football size of diamond ring nor a super expensive handbags...

She only needs to be with her child... which eventually leads her to smile like Sunshine!

Happy Mother's day!

Friday, May 08, 2009

YUBZ's Talk Magnum

The TALK MAGNUM, available in a black leather finish, is a portable Bluetooth speakerphone and music player in one. It wirelessly connects to Bluetooth capable phones and music sources to offer a hands-free mobile experience. Listen to tunes from your iPhone library or make and receive calls through the speakerphone with one touch. The MAGNUM boasts up to 10 hours of battery life with four AA batteries and comes with optional AC-powered cables and adaptors for unlimited enjoyment. Plus, it comes with a cool carrying case.

- Size: 2.7” (L) X 2.7” (W) X 8.5” (H)
- Weight: 0.7 lb
- Colors: Jet Black, Leather Finish
- Works with Bluetooth capable devices (Version 2.0 or higher)
- Transmission range: Up to 30 feet (approx. 10 meters)

Source: Max Borges Agency

YUBZ's Talk Clipo

The TALK CLIPO, available in Magenta Pink, Jet Black and Sky Blue, is a retractable Bluetooth V2.0 headset that clips to your shirt or jacket for added comfort. It offers users 8 hours of talk time, 168 hours of standby time and easily recharges via USB. The earbud fits securely when chatting and cancels background noise for enhanced sound quality.

- Size: 1” (L) X 1” (W) X 2.1” (H)
- Weight: .042 lb
- Colors: Jet Black, Magenta Pink, Sky Blue
- Micro shirt clip for security

Source: Max Borges Agency

London, UK

London is a cool city that I love to stay over the weekend. She gives you something classic and trendy at the same time...

Return of the Old Skool Phone Receivers

Are you nostalgic for the way they used to make phones? Big and sturdy. Well look no further - now, there's a new but old skool solution. Just plug the Yubz handset to your mobile phone and then you are ready to rock and roll. Talk about a classic comeback!

By Telecomtv

Something sweet in Slide FunSpace on Facebook

Thursday, May 07, 2009

真光熱 q(^o^)p


感激你們的熱情的參與, 主動的分享和投入, 為九龍真光中學 六十週年校慶聚餐 添上無限歡樂, 本人榮幸地見證大家與多位許久不見的老師, 校工, 校友和同學重逢的興奮和雀躍, 一切都盡在不言中。

謝謝你們完了我多年的夢 - 和真光人吃番餐安樂茶飯, 細說當年校園往事… 上星期六晚,終於發生!

在此, 特別感謝尹婉芬老師和黃敬國老師的策劃, 大會贊助商, 贊助人, 義務真光妹妹和校友, 他們的默默支持和協助, 令整晚聚餐順利進行, 在此對他們說聲:「幸苦哂, 各位!」

如果你錯過今次活動, 不緊要, 我們真光校友會舉辦更多聯誼活動, 內容稍後公報, 希望大家繼續支持。

再者, 歡迎大家重溫及分享當晚片段, 如下是 超連結










P.S. 還有,特別多謝昨日下午有回母校的每一位。雖然今年的安排不設有一個要大家「坐定定」的校友會時間,多些職員出席,畢竟代表了我們對改選這件事的認真。最後的票數是85票信任vs一票(唔知係不信任定棄權),總之順利通過了!多謝大家!

May 3, 2009


紅白系晨暉社 1998

Monday, May 04, 2009

This is what I wrote in my graduation book

The innocent Candy back to the time in KTL

Sunday, May 03, 2009

KTL Girls 1998

Friendship forever!

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Are you busy?

Let's catch up...Shall we chat today?

Online/ Offline By YUBZ

Friday, May 01, 2009