Saturday, January 24, 2009

16 Tags

16 ramdom things about Candy Mok
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

1) I am using THREE with 3G plan. Video conference, SMS and MMS are welcome.

2) I do not have internet at home. If emergency or appointment changed, please inform me by phone.

3) I have one younger sister.

4)I have comparatively darker skin, big eyes, flat nose and thick lips, Americanized, my nicknames are “wild people”, Ms. Black Piggy Mok, Mok Tong Tong (Suger), Mok Siu Yen (Don’t laugh at people), Cotton Candy…

5) My dad did not allow my sister and me to play computer games. I have no contact with PSP, X Box or Wii… sometimes I might play the Sims.

6) Gillian Chung was my classmate. (Do you know my age now?)

7) I was with the classical guitar band in Kowloon True Light Middle School.

8) I failed twice in Chinese exam of HKCEE. I passed the written test once and twice in my driving test.

9) My friends and I always hosted house party during my overseas studies. The most silly game was to drink beer with Funnel as quick as possible.

10) Enjoy making friends. I try my best to keep in touch my friends. My closed friends are Sahara, Clio, Winnie, Erika, Stephen, Tony, Maria, Mandy, Gigi, Ada and Tong brothers…

11) I was promoted from a sales associate of retail store to a marketing executive of printing companies. Truly admire the hard work of front line coworkers and understand their situations.

12) My dream is to help the husband and teach the children -- the duty of a wife. I could watch the Pleasure & Leisure TV show (Something like Oprah’s show) and cook everyday. Half is true… ^v^ the other half is to retire in my 40s, travel around the globe and make a different for the world.

13) My favorite musicians are the Beatles, Spice Girls, Robbie William, Norah Jones, Madonna and Beyond. I don’t like heavy metal bands.

14) I do yoga and swim every week.

15) I love the mother nature- love sunbathing on the glass or in the beach.

16) I do not believe in the promise of beauty products. Beauty is from self-confidence, healthy body, tidiness, self-control, cultivation, being compassion loving and knows how to make and match with fashion items. I disapprove of those who are ill fitted, over stuffed and brand addicted.

Special thanks to Sahara who has sat an excellent example 16 ramdom things for me to follow and let to know her better.

關於我── Candy Mok

1) 我是3的3G客戶, 歡迎視像, SMS和MMS。

2) 家中沒有寬頻上網, 有急事, 臨時更外約會地點或時間必須用電話通知我, 唔該!

3)兩姊妹, 我是姊姊。

4) 由於皮膚黝黑, 大鳳眼, 扁鼻厚唇, 性格較鬼妹, 花名有野人, 莫黑豬, 莫糖糖, 莫笑人, Cotton Candy…

5) 小時候, 爸爸不許我們打遊戲機, 現在與PSP, XBox或Wii絕緣, 間中玩吓模擬市民。

6) 曾與鐘欣桐同班。(知道我幾多歲?)

7) 中學時代, 和真光同學夾古典結他 Band。

8) 會考中文考了兩次都不合格, 考車牌筆試一次過關, 路試兩次才過關。

9) 留學時,時搞House Party, 最無聊的遊戲是鬥快用漏斗溜斗飲啤酒。

10)四海之內皆兄弟, 喜歡交朋友, 常和大家用不同方法聯絡感情。好友包恬牛牛, 小明妺, Winnie, Erika, Stephen, Tony, Maria, Mandy, Gigi, Ada, 唐氏兄弟…

11) 做過 Sales, 由街舖Sell到去Corperates, 非常欣賞前綫同事的拼博和明白他們的幸酸!

12) 理想是相夫教子, 每天都可以看都市閒情和買餸煮飯… 一半是真啦! 另一半是四十歲前, 收山環遊世界, 做有意義和對世界有建設性的事。

13) 常聽音樂有Beatles, Spice Girls, Robbie William, Norah Jones, Madonna, Beyond… 最憎Heavy Metal Bands

14) 每星期抽空玩瑜伽和游泳。

15) 喜愛大自然, 有時間就躺在草地或沙灘曬太陽。

16) 不相信美容產品的諾言, 美麗是來自自信, 健康, 整潔, 自制, 內涵, 愛心和適當的時裝配搭。討厭人衣不稱身, 過份堆砌和崇尚名牌。

特此感謝牛牛的分享,她典下一個模範, 讓我深一層認識她!

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