Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Do I give praise or encouragement to people who deserves?

“Praise and attention may easily have a profound effect on an individual's entire life.”

- Dale Carnegie

Dear Candy,

Good professional behavior deserves to receive attention as much as bad behavior does. Both cases provide an opportunity for your company to foster progression. It is unfortunate that people often only take advantage of the latter scenario to better their company. Appealing to one's pride is actually much easier than trying to lead someone to change. People want to be recognized for the good work they've done. Positive feedback and appreciation will foster not only the personal bonds had between you and your coworkers, but between those people and the very work they are there to do. It is then made nearly inevitable that the worker's progressive measures will not only continue, but likely increase in their rate of implementation.
Remember to

- offer encouragement
- reassure people in their progress
- provide a feeling of victory
- be enthusiastic
- be grateful for all effort being put forth.

Dale Carnegie Course®

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