Friday, May 11, 2007



美國的大學生,他們發動了一個Campaign to Stop Killer Coke(停止可樂殺人狂運動),成功令多間大學校園內全面停售可口可樂公司的任何飲料,發動院校內的罷買行動!


美國的學生運動究竟為什麼可以得到同學的支持? 如何在院校帶起本來不被關注的基層議題呢? 學生運動如何與遠在南美、東南亞的工人運動連結呢?

美國反血汗工場工場運動學生組織USAS(United Students Against Sweatshop)的兩位核心組織者Liana和Zack將於SACOM的新會址舉行交流會,分享美國學生組織的經驗和具體策略,相信對香港的學生運動有很大的啟示,歡迎有興趣的人士參加。

If you've come to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you've come because your liberation is bound up with me, then let us work together.

分享會以英語進行, SACOM將提供廣東話翻譯。

地點:九龍旺角旺角道 97號王子大廈4樓 C座 8室 (樓下大門須密碼, 請致電詢問)
主辦單位:大學師生監察無良企業行動 SACOM

聯絡人:戴毅龍(, 丘梓蕙(

After attending this meaningful meeting with Sahara, I have found that some people do care about the grass root labor and fight for their rights. The sharing was encouraging and informative.

On the other hand, I have found that the best way to motivate worker and maxiumize their productivity is not to set any unreasonable production target or build a cut thoat compeition among the industry, but to treat workers with diginity and provide a open alogue platform for workers and company to communicate.

On the other hand, I have found that the best to way to motivate worker and maxiumize their productivity is not to be pushy or build a cut thoat compeitive, but to provide a open dialogue platform and treat workers with diginity. They will work harder for the company and try their best to reach the company target.

As a future professional in the intimate apparel industry, I will be more aware of the working condition and labour wage beside the productivity and technology.

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