Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thanks for stopping by at this very moment!

It might take longer time for you to browser online and not be able to chat with you friends through MSN or Yahoo Messengers since the Taiwan quakes broke undersea cables. People should not glue themselves on the computer desk anymore, but try to do fun activities in order to overcome temporary depression.

Since the majority of the media are analyzing on the damage of the Internet congestion, let’s state the positive predictions for the general public:

1) Smart adults will go shopping instead of waiting for the webpage to be loaded on the computer screens. The retail sales will go up.
2) Kids will start clean their rooms earlier this year and spend more time with their family and friends. Relationships will be restored and improved.
3) People will have more time to do physical exercise, read books, cook, chat more in person… eventually, they will be more healthy mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Of course, I believe that you have already experienced the side effects of the Disrupted Internet Service now.

Be patient and thanks for stopping by!

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