Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Don’t give up!

The one who fails, is the one who stop trying. This words give me strenght in the darkest hours. The only way you can succeed in business, in life or in any other aspect is if you don’t quit; if you keep trying and trying. We, as entrepreneurs, as productive people, may taste failure, but you see, we never swallow it. That is the main thing setting us appart from the rest; an eternal learning experience. Other’s may fail, we just keep trying.

If you want to be more productive is because you have goals, you have somewere you want to be two, three years from today. You aren’t doing it because you wish to deliver work more quickly to your boss, or because you want to “just be organized” as a trivial thing. My guess is that you are doing it because you have goals and objetives to reach; and being more productive and organized may help a little in your journey. That is why you are here reading, I think.

Did you knew that Thomas Edison don’t just had success on the invention of the light bulb from night to day? he tryied over 10,000 light bulbs models before the one we know turned on. That is what I call success. 10,000, can you believe it? what a courage! what determination! what an example! it is great to have those kind of stories, of REAL stories.
Imagine for just one minute Thomas Edison surronding, his friends, his coworkers, hes employees. All those people yelling at him you can’t do it, quit. Now turn your head somewere in the room you are in right now and you will see all those people being wrong on the final result of Thomas Edison; the light bulb.

We aren’t talking about some Bill Gates or 14-year-old kid that invented “” and someone bought the domain name for twenty millions. We are talking about the determination, the passion of a man who danced on fire and never got burned. Many of us feel sometimes like “it is time to quit”, but we never do. I guess you don’t do it either, and that is why you are reading.

You can disagree with me on many forms, but you can’t deny the fact that Thomas Edison, like others in history, never surrender. And they were men, women, entrepreneurs and business owners just like you reading this post or my typing it. They information resources wasn’t so great like the ones we can enjoy right now with a click. Take advantage of that, live the experience of having the most complete and amazing library of resources right on your hand.

Such an exiting time!
We live in a wonderful time. We can not just be withness of the changes, but participate on those changes too. I encourage all of you to keep trying, to continue working, to keep doing what you do: TRY. If you fail, it doens’t care. Fail better next time. Keep failing.

Don’t give up.
Javier Cabrera

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