Monday, June 27, 2005

The End of June

Near the End of June 2005 I have got two Hamsters as my new pet. Their names are Sreeraj and Rahul and they are adorable. I name them after my Indian friends in Seattle. They were roommates to each other in 2004 and I met them through Bonnie.

Now, I am waiting for the announcement of the BA (Hons) Program- Fashion & Textile Marketing and Merchandising in Poly U on Thursday (June 30). Can't wait to be back to the school. Last but not least, I have made new friends this month. So Cool! How's about yourself?

On the other hand, one of my cool clients has gave me a new ads to work on. They are a Diamond Company and the size of Ads is A4. Once it is published, I will let you all know where the ads has been placed. So excited!

Lastly, I am going to have a day off on July 1. It is a public holiday. Should I protest if I have nothing to do that day?

Your truly,


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