Monday, April 21, 2008

WILL LAU, a very cool yoga instructor

Wow... have not met a very stunning yoga instructor for age... Now I found Will from Pure Yoga.

Win and I went to the ASHTANGA 1 (LED) class without any specific expectation today. We just wanted to try out a new instructor (To us... we always take Claudia's class) and challenge ourselves in the monday morning!

Will was very helpful and friendly. He corrected our poses and fix our alignments individually. Although the sequence was comparatively slow, The 75min class went by quickly.

Umm... I guess that we will continue to take his class... Love it!


Confidence, confidence, confidence.

Practise, practise, practise.

Breath, breath, breath.

Do it all and it shall come.

Here is his Bio from Pure Yoga Website.

Will stumbled upon yoga in the gym back in 2002 when he found out he really didn't belong to the aerobics class. During his first lesson, he discovered that he couldn't touch his feet in a forward bend but could kick his legs up into a headstand. What started off as a physical practice turned into his lifelong self-inquiry and search for truth. Yoga transformed Will from a heavy meat eater into a vegetarian and now a vegan, all because of one Sanskrit word - "Ahimsa" - which means non-violence. With this first Yama of Patanjali's eight limbs Yoga Path, it slowly transformed Will's life and his perspective towards the interconnectedness of all beings as one.

With a Bachelors degree in Psychobiology and 12 years in the TV commercial production industry, Will didn't imagine he would be standing on the teacher's mat at the front of the room. But after a Jivamukti Yoga teacher training course in 2007, Will was deeply moved by his two gurus David Life and Sharon Gannon for their active stance in Animal Rights, Vegetarianism and Ethical Environmentalism, which are all closely related to Yoga. He believes in sharing the benefits of Yoga to all his students with a pure aim to serve and assist them in their courses toward enlightenment and liberation.

Will is also grateful to have his proper foundation under the teachings of Kristina Pao Cheng, Patrick Creelman, Stephen Thomas, Joakim Ohlin, Icy Lee, and Maggie Tan.

Will wants to share Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Chapter 1 verse 1: Atha Yoga Nushasanam. "Now this is Yoga as I have observed it in the natural world". That Yoga is everywhere, open your eyes and there it is.


Jivamukti Yoga: Practices for Liberating Body and Soul
Sharon Gannon and David Life

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Sri Swami Satchidananda

The Textbook of Yoga Psychology
Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati

Yoga Body, Buddha Mind
Cyndi Lee

The Way We Eat Why Our Food Choices Matter
Peter Singer and Jim Mason

Autobiography of a Yogi
Paramahansa Yogananda

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