Friday, September 29, 2006

Contour Fashion Students from De Montfort University

De Montfort University (DMU) is the only school in the World that provides professional lingerie, underwear, bodywear, swimwear, performance sportswear and structured basques Design Program for the Intimate Apparel Industry. BA Honours Contour Fashion is their signture course and many Intimate Apparel Firms send their staff to DMU for Summer Training.

Moreover, some of my current foundation courses are similar to theirs and my mentors refer the class materials oftenly from DMU. Therefore, I have searched information about their core courses, professor's profiles and student's portfolios so that I could have a better picture on my future coworkers, competitors and work culture...

Here is a few interesting things I have found today...

1) Female Students Charity Calendar Sale

DMU Students are selling Calendar 2007 with featuring some of their classmates who are studying for a BA Honours Contour Fashion. For Details, here is the link.

- Cool... They are very brave and market themselves wisely. Maybe I should order a copy to check out anything interesting with their work and look.

2) An Online Community of Contour Fashion Students

- Wow... again, the DMU Fashion Contour Students... they have built a page about their program, self introduction, personal sharing, their current update and portfolio... I truly admire that they are a group of self-starters, creative lingerie designers and outspoken individuals.

3) Contour Fashion Program Outline

- If you are interested in getting into the Sexy Lingerie Industry and take it serious, here is a very informative and helpful site about their programs from DMU.

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