Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Is there anything I can do now...

There is nothing I can do to change the reality... should I just erase all the memories that we have and pretend that we have never met? I hate to lose a friend because of this reason.

Four days after the news spilled out, I have honestly shared my story with trustful friends. Many thanks to Creamy, Erika, Steven, Bonnie & Amit. Your support and love do brighten my day.

Now, I am moving on...

P.S. Jacky, Fiona, Terry and I sang K today. This song encouraged me a bit and I would like to share with you.


歌手:王菲 | 作曲:C Y Kong
填詞:林夕 | 編曲:C Y Kong

請 不要灰心 你也會有人妒忌
你 仰望到太高 貶低的只有自己
別 蕩失太早 旅遊有太多勝地
你 記住你的髮膚 會與你慶祝鑽禧

*啦啦啦 慰藉自己
 啦啦啦 愛護自己

#(我要給我)寫 這高貴情書
 用自言自語 作我的天書
 自己都不愛 怎麼相愛

 (憑著我) 這千斤重情書
 在夜欄盡處 如門前大樹
 沒有他倚靠 (他不可倚靠)

請 不要哀傷 我會當你是偶像
你 要別人憐愛 先安裝一個藥箱
做什麼也好 別為著得到讚賞
你要強壯到底 再去替對方設想


啦....... 拋得開手裡玩具
先懂得好好進睡 深谷都攀過後


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