The weather is changed very dramatic these couple weeks in Hong Kong. The humidity and temperature is relatively low.
Autumn Seasons... I feel like it.
Should I fly to a quite place and take a quick break? My body is so freaking tired for no reason.
The weather is changed very dramatic these couple weeks in Hong Kong. The humidity and temperature is relatively low.
Autumn Seasons... I feel like it.
Should I fly to a quite place and take a quick break? My body is so freaking tired for no reason.
Sorry! I have not blogged frequently this week. My life is getting crazy and lots of things I am catching up. If you miss my presence, please feel free to call me.
I will post my current look soon!
I am planning to attend the investment seminar on 22 October,2005 (Saturday). Although the subject of the seminar is not clear to me, it might be a good class which is offered from my bank.
If you are interested to attend the class with me, please feel free to contact me. Here is the link.
Great! I have made a few new friends recently. They are very friendly and have common interests with me such as travel, art and sport.
Well, it is hard to make friends in Hong Kong because people are busy for work and most of them are reserved.
Shall we be friends for the lifetime?
Thanks for spending time with me tonight!
Your encouragements did help me a bit.
Sorry! I might let you down in someway.
I look forward to being your friend forever. Thank you again!
I have found out something serious about my friends. It's weird and complicated! My mind keeps spinning and can't stop thinking of those facts. How can that happen without any single notification?
Anyway, I am scared by the facts! Still, my life should move on.
I am not feeling well again. My stress level is all time high for a few stupid reasons. How can I do a better management on my personal life?
Guess... where it is? I discover this place somewhere near by Wong Chuk Hung, my workplace.
So Peaceful!
Sweet! My boss told me that he got a new slim monitor for me through a luck draw last week. It was nice and created a 1/4 more space of my desk. The monitor was 15" and its quality was fine.
Thank You, W!
Mr. Lee & I joined a Book Signing Party in FCC tonight which was hosted by my clients. It was fun and I experienced a few unexpected things.
- Some Westerners are fluent in Cantonese.
- The food was tasty with full bar service. I could drink a lot, but chose not to do so.
- Guests were nice and a few of them smoked inside the launch.
Anyway, I am tired now. Gotta go!
From birth to age eighteen a girl needs good parents.
From eighteen to thirty-five she needs good looks.
From thirty-five to fifty-five she needs a good personality.
From fifty-five on she needs cash.
Sophie Tucker
How's about you? Do you have an easy day with peace? Sit back and Relax. Contact me if you are free.
Well, I have an one fine day. Don't know why! My mood is good and I feel so joyful.
Thank God!
Carol, my lovely friend has informed that there is an available apartment in the south of the Hong Kong Island for rent. The rent is HK$2,500.00 (US$330.00) per month with all the electricity, water & gas. Personally, it is a very good deal because the place is very close to my work compares to my home in Lok Fu, but I need to save for school and travel.
So, what should I do?
可是人往往很矛盾,喜歡她的倔強與有性格,卻受不了她的嬌縱。喜歡她的落落大方,卻受不了她的朋友一堆。你愛她的小家碧玉,就不要怪她不夠大方愛她的活潑大方,就不要批評她像花蝴蝶一樣, 戀愛談的愈長,結婚的可能性就愈低,所以有時候戀愛的長度與結婚的可能性成反比。
也提醒各位男士,如果對方真的是你想好好疼愛的女人,別讓他等太久,有她一起陪你奮鬥應該是很美好的一件事, 除非你心中有其他的想法,否則別讓愛情等太久,把真愛都磨掉了!
雖然聽起來很殘忍 但身邊的家人朋友都有類似的例子......真愛就不要等 除非是不
* This FWD is from Eva K Leung.
I have just bought another great book for self-improvement. So excited! This book was introduced by a booklist section from Capital Femme, my favorite monthly local women magazine. When I checked out the book title- "Nice Girls Don't Get Rich", the first thought came up in my mind were "Am I too nice? That's why I still feel broke sometimes.", "Does a mean girl get rich?", "Nice girls get rich too, Like Oprah."
Anyway, I am reading these lovely write hardcover book. So Far So Good! Lois P. Frankel, PhD, the author is not a financial planner, but rather a business consultant, book writer, executive coach, and licensed psychotherapist. The book has taught more on the financial thinking rather than financial planning.
Well, I highly recommend to all girls that who think they are underpaid and want to get ahead in their financial management and career.
Here is the Book Description from
After her terrific success revealing the mistakes women make that sabotage their careers, Dr. Lois P. Frankel is back to reveal the 75 mistakes women make that prevent them from achieving financial success. From executive to entry level, single to married, every woman needs to know the subconscious behavior that prevents her from developing a healthy and successful relationship with money--from depending on men for financial advice or support to a reluctance for negotiating. Frankel offers help in recognizing these self- defeating behaviors--as well as financial and investment advice and tips to help women claim wealth and riches.
Don't know why! I have been feeling down recently for no reason. I just think too much about the future. Scary!
Shall I clear the negative thought soon?